Wednesday, June 30, 2010

New York Energy Deregulation is Seeking Entrepreneurs and Home Based Business Seekers

Energy Deregulation in New York and Ontario,Canada is Big Business and Successful Entrepreneur Mohamed Fazal puts his best foot first to help others see the vision. With no interruption in service or hassles in paperwork for switching sources. Electricity is delivered by the customer's Local Wires Company and their Local Distribution Company will continue to deliver natural gas with No Change
The worst of times brings out the best in the creativity of the human race and in 2009 one creative Canadian Entrepreneur is bringing instant relief to the victims of the job market meltdown with a business model that helps consumers win the battle vs. rising Utility costs. "From CEOs to Secretaries we are watching millions of Americans face a future with no guarantee of a job," said Ontario resident Mohamed Fazal, "but with the introduction recently of my Business Model I can offer an instant career alternative in a booming industry with a simple concept to help individuals create a lucrative business working out of their home office." Energy is the Next Big Sizzle Online.

Mohamed Fazal has a business background with many High Level Management Positions with National Companies such as Acn and MyNet Universe. "From Operations Director to CEO I have functioned in many capacities covering business functions such as Project Management, Strategic Analysis, Staff & Sales Management," said Fazal, "and was responsible for helping Acn Telecom grow thousands of units as well as overseeing business unit expansion with other companies. Life does provide unique challenges and recently being downsized from my CEO position was an incredible wakeup call that I honestly never expected to see with my background and business track record ...... I felt like Tiger Woods for putting the last green to lose a Major Championship by one stroke and though a truly humbling experience it was also a positive life changing moment that led me to the booming Energy Deregulation Industry with an Incredible and very easy to duplicate business model
( that has me quickly back on my feet and helping me write a fabulous new chapter in my life."

The Deregulation of the Public Utilities Industry in the last few years has brought welcome alternatives to consumers in a very similar manner to the breakup of the Phone Companies in the 1980's. "Consumers now have options from different suppliers as Deregulation allows Retail Electric Providers in New York and Ontario, Energy Service Companies in New York and Alternative Gas Suppliers in the state of Illinois to buy energy wholesale from competitive providers and the savings are passed along to customers," said Fazal, "with no interruption in service or hassles in paperwork for switching sources. Electricity and Gas is delivered by the customer's Local Wires Company and their Local Distribution Company will continue to deliver natural gas with one NOTICEABLE DIFFERENCE: Known as Lower Monthly Rates on those Dreaded Bills we receive in the mail each month ..."

In Addition to helping people earn income ,they will be lowering their Carbon Footprint with our 100% Green Energy and GAS. Imagine the power of earning income when someone flicks a light switch or uses the Stove. This is exactly what we have here.

Mohamed Fazal is expanding his marketing efforts Nationally with a key concentration on New York and Ontario. "Plans are shortly to be in additional states but currently those three states are target areas with perfect timing for the roll out with the job market struggles and the summer heat on the way to drive up utility bills. I can state with 100% confidence that this is the finest Home Based Opportunity in America as the service is needed by everyone and for individuals seriously in need of a career change I can offer a compensation plan that offers 5 Streams of Income with a Residual Payout and Leadership Bonuses that will reward hard work and eliminate a Boss deciding their annual income. Timing is the Key to Success in Life ... Has your time come to finally take full control of your future?"

Mr. Fazal can be reached in his Ontario office @ 416.937.6350 (cellular) / 1 800.627.2703(office)

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